Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mental Preparation

This is it. The time has come. A life will be changed. Pressing forward, with gritted teeth; pressing forward, with sheer willpower and unshakable determination; pressing forward, with a new clarity of mind!!!!
I'm not looking for the next, latest, greatest, gotta-have-it-now fad diets. I'm looking for something that will guide me to a life change. I'm looking for something that will shake the very foundation of my knowledge of good vs. bad foods. I'm seeking a positive and permanent life change to how I eat and exercise. My mind is bombarded with "helpful hints" on what to eat, what not to eat, portion control, caloric control, calorie counting, blah, blah, blah, blah! I want something straight forward that works for my body type; for my metabolism issues; for ME.
Here I go, diving in, head first, into a permanent life change. After doing research and budgeting the food costs, I'm going to do it! My only assistance I require (post baby, my body has been weeeeeiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrd) to shock my metabolism BACK INTO ACTION is liquid amino acids and here's why: in combination with a low-calorie and low-glycemic (<- very important) diet and exercise, I will be taking liquid amino drops to kick start my metabolism and body into doing what it needs to do! 
The amino acids will help provide my body with the fuel needed to maintain proper energy levels while I "shock" my system with a low-calorie/low-glycemic diet. I was a gestational diabetic while I was pregnant and since then my body has been extremely sensitive to sugar intake (unusually high spike shortly after ingested, goes back to normal) and this has made it difficult for me to properly adjust, and more importantly it has made it difficult to lose weight.
My fear is that I will become a diabetic if I can't figure out how to get this under control. After consulting with a physician, I have decided this is a smart way for me to proceed. I will have the tools and the assistance (should I need it) to start cooking better, eating healthier, exercising smarter/more efficiently, and taking control of my body instead of letting it control me! Excuses are banned! There is NO reason for me not to become healthier!
Once I get "all my ducks in a row", so to say, I will be posting updates on how things are progressing. For right now, I appreciate any support/knowledge you have about low-glycemic foods, especially recipes. I feel overwhelmed where I am, but I am staying focused on the end goal of being healthy and having a healthy family!
Chris, my husband, is on board too!! I was very surprised. With him being a weightlifter, food is his fuel and the higher the calorie the better for this sport. This was definitely creating a challenge on how to cost effectively shop and still be able to support him in his passion for lifting. He came to me a few days ago saying he wanted to change what he was eating ((I was ecstatic, because I was struggling with what to do)). He has agreed to eat healthier types of food. This will make my goal easier to obtain because the temptations will no longer be lurking. While his portions will not be reducing, mine will :-) 

My ultimate goal: lose 75 pounds
my 30-day goal: lose 15 pounds
My official diet start date: pending
 (still trying to research recipes, options, ingredients, good vs bad sugar, things of that nature)


  1. Check out the review for this book and eating plan. Some friends of mine from Tennessee wrote it after doing years of research, and it is along the lines of what you are talking about. The PDF version is about $20, the book is more. Read the review by this other mama though, and see what you think.


  2. Oh, here is the link.

  3. Remember green is good when it comes to food.
