Saturday, April 13, 2013

Changing Stats!

I was hoping to post earlier, but I ran into a snag. A three-day long snag. I plateaued at 8-9 pounds lost, gained a little bit, lost a little bit, etc, etc, with no real change in weight lost. Talk about depressing! But I pushed through, did what I needed to do and got past the plateau! Obviously the weight loss has slowed down due to the fact that my body has adjusted to the lower calorie intake, but I'm still making progress, just slower. 

I cheated on my diet and that's what caused the problem. It was literally 1 meal and WHAM, a 3-day weight stall! That'll teach me, that's for sure. I've been back on track for a few days and FINALLY making more headway. Note to self, 30 days isn't that long, so STOP cheating, you're only hurting yourself!!!
Anyways, moving on. I'm still feeling great, actually, I'm feeling better every day. The weather is beautiful and I've been taking my baby girl on walks during the day and doing weight exercises in the evening (my only uninterrupted "me" time). My favorite part is when I measure myself every 3-4 days and I find I'm shrinking!!

New Numbers:

11 Pounds down


18.5 inches smaller

Personally, I'd say for 11 days completed (including 3 days of no changes), those are good numbers! Still pressing on towards my goal and I'm almost 2 weeks into my diet.

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